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About Lisa Nichols

Hey There!

Perhaps you know this scenario in your business: looking for the answers through more and more webinars, resisting the very things you know you need to do, focusing on the menial “to dos” rather than business building actions, and doubting that you’ll ever be successful.

I did them all!

But what I’ve learned is that starting a business isn’t about learning how to coach or do tapping, calling on my corporate experience, or even figuring out sales and marketing.

It’s about changing the stories I tell myself. It’s about finding the confidence and the inner knowing that were buried under the stories. It’s about letting go of the self-doubts and past trauma that had me spinning my wheels.

Now I get to help my clients break through their stumbling blocks and resistance so they find the joy and the success that they thought they would already have.

If you know  you’re meant to serve your people, if you dream of creating a business that matches the one in your head, if you want someone to collaborate with, I would truly love to be your coach, accountability partner, and cheerleader!

A quick background bio: I’ve been a VP at large banks, a journalist for a trade newspaper, an ops manager for a nonprofit, and a virtual assistant for a children’s book author. I’m a two-time best selling author and an overachieving volunteer, having led volunteer groups in schools, scouting, and my spiritual community. I live in Northern California within driving distance of at least 10 wine producing regions. (What can I say, I like wine.)



Action Oriented.

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